My Sugar Runs Out

Only this morning, 
As the smiling sun 
Emerged from behind the horizon, 
Grinning as the bearer of glad tidings, 
And all ready to run his race, 
I awoke and stretched and yawned.

As the light of this joyous sun 
Gave life and healing to all creatures 
And me, 
I stood and with one more stretch, 
Stepped to my locker 
To prepare for the coming day.

Grabbing my toothbrush,
I rummaged for my paste.
Then paused as I saw it in the corner.
All empty, twisted and mangled 
In a million angles and curves, it lay, 
But nay one more squeeze I must
Before it is done with.
That I did give it with much effort too!

After a hurried scrubbing of the gums,
I emerged ready to breakfast.
But only one bag of the beloved Lipton,
Lay alone and solitary in the packet.
That I placed in my mug.
The milk too was only a spoonful.
But the sugar, yes the sugar,
Alas! the sugar ran out!
I did shook and scratched
And at last washed the jar
To sweeten my tea.

But I care the least
For my school days run out too!
And this being the last of them
(As well as my birthday!)
I need no teabags or sugars
Today or tomorrow or the next.
For why should I care for them
When the world awaits me?

Cheerily I walk to the N-block
My cheeks bursting with song:
'My sugar runs out, 
My milk runs out as is my paste
But so too are my school days!
Fare thee well my sugar,
Fare thee well my milk,
And fare thee well, beloved Legon!
When next we meet, 
I shall be no undergrad!'

Alexander Kwapong Hostel
University of Ghana, Legon


  1. A very interesting piece of writing. The exact way I felt at my own graduation! Thanks for the memory!

  2. Albert From Bergen7:56 am, November 30, 2016

    I really enjoyed this piece of poetry. It gives an apt description and a feel of our last days in Legon. ����

  3. Very interesting...I am sure the guy's pen will also run out that day after exams or if only it is able to see him through his last exams!!


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