I Laugh

I laugh at the day, however it turns out. And at the night, dark or starry I count as joy! I laugh in the morning sunlight laugh at the fierce noon day sun, the fading light of dusk, The sparkling moonlight, and the twinkling stars at night. I laugh to see the egrets, Flying overhead, destined for I know not where. I laugh at the ants, Who stole bits of my food Into their hidden cove At the foot of my wall. I laugh at the wind, Even the mighty Harmattan, When it comes desiccating all. I laugh at the trees, The grass, and the shrubs, Even the thorns and thistles. I laugh at the rain; Hailstones, when they come pelting. And thunderstorms, when they come, tearing all in their path. I laugh to see my feet Drenched in the dawn dew And the tender shoots in the fields Trembling in the morning breeze. I laugh to see the maize, the millet And the sorghum in bloom, As the birds, and the bees humming from flower to flower, fertilizes them. I laugh to see ...