
Showing posts with the label School

6th of March

“6th of March! March!  Nineteen fifty-seven, seven!  Ghaaana, independence day! Ghana is marching,  Ghana is marching, Ghana, Ghana,  Ghana is mar—ching!” Those were the words we sang, with our shrill voices Shuffling our feet and swinging our arms  Proud even though we knew little of what we sang And we all loved the '6th March' marching day, But surely that was a long long time ago. But what is there to tell about mother Ghana now? They say, we said our country was free forever And yet every day I see her in heavy chains They say, we said, we could manage our own affairs But when last I checked,  The Impossible Mission Fund (IMF) was still in charge. They say, they said, well, isn’t that all we know? The days have gone down in the west;  and now you are old, dear mother. The elderly should recount the good old days.  And the young talk endlessly about dreams,  And castles in the air But what do you t...

The Emperor's New Clothes

“God chooses things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and chooses what is weak in the world to shame the strong” - 1Cor1:27 (my translation).   I visited a library for the first time in my life when I was 13 and in J. H. S 1. Then, my small stature coupled with the fact that I was new and not very confident restricted me to the children's section all through my adolescent years and even beyond. Nevertheless, I was really enjoying the stories in that section. My favourite story was;  "The Emperor's New Clothes ” by the Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen. I do not know exactly why it was my favourite then. Perhaps because it was so hilarious (the thought of a king walking down the street naked). Today, I remember it and love it not because it is so hilarious (for it is no longer so to me) but because it speaks volumes about society. I have come to learn a lesson from it that I can’t forget. The Pl...

School Break

Cli-ing! cli-ing! cli-ing!  “Break time pleeeeaase!”  Went the school bell,  And the bellboy  together.  And all at once we bail out  Shouting talking laughing  Hailing jumping running  Rumbling like a turbulent stream. Spreading out into the compound  Like a flood sweeping across  The plains after a heavy shower  Delighted as  caged birds set free! Read: Village Boy Impressions - The Days of Bliss

My Sugar Runs Out

Only this morning,  As the smiling sun  Emerged from behind the horizon,  Grinning as the bearer of glad tidings,  And all ready to run his race,  I awoke and stretched and yawned. As the light of this joyous sun  Gave life and healing to all creatures  And me,  I stood and with one more stretch,  Stepped to my locker  To prepare for the coming day. Grabbing my toothbrush, I rummaged for my paste. Then paused as I saw it in the corner. All empty, twisted and mangled  In a million angles and curves, it  lay,  But nay one more squeeze I must Before it is done with. That I did give it with much effort too! After a hurried scrubbing of the gums, I emerged ready to breakfast. But only one bag of the beloved Lipton, Lay alone and solitary in the packet. That I placed in my mug. The milk too was only a spoonful. But the sugar, yes the sugar, Alas! the sugar ran out! I did shook ...