The News in Ghana

What agony to listen to the news in Ghana What torment to hear the uneducated literates babble! Televised news turns food into ash in my mouth. Prejudiced narratives that only show the north, As a people most incomprehensible; Skeletal mothers with drooping dry breasts, Babies strapped with tattered rags to aching backs, The distended bellies of bony orphans, The starved faces of scruffy toddlers, Desperate youth trooping out to survive, People slaughtered in senseless wars, Forests razed to the ground, Poverty, hunger, disease, death. So has the West defined and cursed Africa: One country, one people, one story And so we do to ourselves now. Have you Read: Village Boy Impressions - The Joys of Mother Africa Ghana, are you so gullible? To be so bogged down With such naivety, Such thoughtless generalizations , Such vulgar labelling, Such single stories; That the whole north is but a village, Is to...