Buli Series 10: The Parts of the Body (Nyingka Kabtinga)

Hello folks, I hope you have not given up trying to learn your beloved language Buli. It is one of those things that we cannot afford to turn our backs on and I encourage you all to keep trying. A couple of days ago, I got a call from a young man who had found this blog whilst searching for information on the Buli language online. He wanted the Buli equivalents of the names of the parts of the human body and a couple of other domestic articles and animals for educational purposes. It seems that teaching children to name the parts of the body is becoming a norm in early childhood education and that young man is only one of many others who have called me from the University of Education, Winneba at one time or the other to ask for the Buli Language equivalent of many everyday things: numbers, domestic and wild animals, agricultural activities, family relations and the like. I have often prepared such things for my callers privately but I have now realised that I could reach a larger...