
Showing posts with the label Love

Loved at a Glance

I was struck at an hour unforeseen; And at a place unexpected With love sudden and sweet. My heart danced like many butterflies My legs went stiff and impotent, Shivers coursed through my frame, The blood swelled in my breast, Beating loudly with mighty blows With love I could not articulate. I smiled, and she smiled, Her golden eyes shown brighter, My eyes refused to look away, Light beamed on my face, The birds were muted in every tree, The clocks stopped ticking, My heart has left its nest, To dwell in a fairer bosom, There, in bliss, forever!  14/02/17

Desiderata - Words for life

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as t...

Lost Gamble

Pain, pain and more pain The loss of a gamble Listen and learn You who would like to gamble You who are ready to explore   I burn, oh I burn! With the flame of regret and pain And yet I cannot stop My feelings in debt It was time to gamble my heart away   Have You Read:  Village Boy Impressions - Beauty's Plight? Why did you not warn me of the cost? Why did you signal me to go on? To not care To borrow from merciless death It was time to gamble my sight away Let none say a word Let none see my despair Let my mask remain fixed An eternal smile of patience and peace A time it was to gamble my voice away   Read Here:  Village Boy Impressions - Serenade to my love Breaking hearts like vases I could have any but picked you Hollow eyes, bleeding tears of blood I was so taken Time it was to gamble my body away   Should I say? Nay. Silence is golden, endurance more so Let it not be said, I wavered at the end ...

To the Lily

Oh bright and innocent Lilium, Why do you wail in the mountain breeze?  Golden Splendour, scented Robina, Why envy the crimson-rose?  Think not of them,  You also have your shine. Behold the sun outshines all And all life hasten to greet his awakening.  Yet it is the moon, the lesser light  That makes the cripple hungry for a walk!  Village Boy Impressions - The Joys of Mother Africa How you degrade yourself, fairest lily, And do the sons of Adam an injustice.  Though they be beguiled of the sun by day, They soon seek the shade of the huge baobab To escape even his charm and grandeur  But of the moon, it is not told  That they tired nor sought rest.  Village Boy Impressions - Moonlit Nights As the day makes way for the night,  So does the sun for the moon, And long into the watches of the night, The village is bathed in her glorious splendour, Charmed by her joyous beams Intoxicated with her beauty. Only when she grows shy and hides...

Beauty's Plight

Indeed, beauty is sweet and tasty Like the lily by the waters That the little damsel plucked  And pinned in her auburn hair. But she grew tired of her captive As soon as she spotted the rose That blossomed by the walkway. Off came the lily out of her silky setting Into the nearby stenchy sewage Then smiled the rose and sat On the wench’s auburn hair  Enjoying her ladyship whiles it lasted. Sons of Adam are as the damsel. Daughters of Eve are as the lily. Oh, son of Adam! why do you pluck A white lily when you need a red rose? You smell, you touch and you taste Only to spit out into the stenchy sewage. Very soon there will be no more lilies Still bright, white and innocent. Only roses shall remain, ready to sting With their poisonous thorns When at last they sure must fall into The dark stenchy sewage of forgetfulness. And blame it on the damsel, we will, The unending plight of beauty. ***************************************************************** By Oparebea Maafo


It is a curious thing what words are! Many things at once or o ne thing at a time.  They are worth all they say and more!  Sometimes they are like; Mothers' milk, c olourful blossoms,  Polished diamonds, w arm sunlight or Even clay in the potter's hand. But they can also be as Bitter as gall, c old as death,  Hard as marble, painful as betrayal,  Soft as butter, s weeter than honey.  Pick them like a connoisseur, Polished to dazzling artistry For they make or mar beauty and being. Choose them like the chef, Healthy and tasty both That you may glow with pride at their praise. Use them like the teacher, Precise, concise, and constructive  To guide and instruct the little ones And bring them up in the right way. Speak them like the mendicant, That you may move your Lord To generous benevolence.   If proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten, Words are the morsel that must choke or nourish you Though sticks and stones may break your bo...

Choked by the Weeds

The crops never thrive in untendered fields Neither the millet nor the cowpea Can stand the wild tares Nor the parched nor the cloggy field.  But even on God's loamy earth,  Much must be spent to make  The maize and the sorghum bloom.  Much must be given,  For much to be harvested; All have to be weeded and seeded Some have to be watched and watered And many others mulched and manured,  Least they wither and die.  There is no joy for the sluggard.  It is a world of labour From farm to fork.  Could it be we weren't planted deep enough,  Or we neglected to nurture the shoot?  What might have been a bumper field Is become a parched land For nothing untendered can prosper.  Yet we sowed wildly and sparingly: And some seeds fell among the rocks And died unappreciated and unpraised.  Many more fell among the thorns And were pierced with divergent cares.  Still others by the road side fell And the mouths that eat salt a...

When all the love is gone

Behold the light fades and rises not And the cute little stars hide in shame The moon fears to show her face And day and night become as one Here the heavens are shut up tight And the earth cries out in thirsting All that is lusty and green withers Have you read:  Village Boy Impressions - Loved at a Glance? The streams return to the mountains And the oceans pour out their eternal rage The darkness return from the abyss And the mountains explode in anger Burning all that was once green and fair Vipers come out in the day to hunt And the crows hold a banquet at noon Alas! the nations bare their teeth And the rulers rage in drunkenness Oh how kith devour kin And mothers drown their infants To entertain their nightly guests. All roads lead nowhere And the gardens turn into graveyards. Have you read:  Village Boy Impressions: Serenade to my love? No, my love, our love cannot die. For when all the love is gone, When we ...

A Psalm for Annan

  When the day unfolds and the sun begins to smile, When light spurts in the east and the wind begins to stir, And all the living awake in wonder and delight, I rise with eager hope to contemplate your love! When the warming sun stretches forth over the fields,  When leaf and blossom with fragrance fill the air,  And the birds their morning hymn of praise intone, I hasten from my lair that I may behold your beauty. When golden noon comes and all beasts shelter seek,  When the wind is at rest and sweat is on the brow,  And beneath the blazing roofs the kids must retire, I sit and muse upon your beauty and my heart is glad! When the sun is in the west and wind returns from the north;  When the farmer in field with longing gazes at his road home, And the labourer observes his weary day draws to fruition, I hasten the sun to his grave with longing for thee. When light and beauty is in the west, and leaf and blossom fall, When eventide haste...

The House in Balansa

All tattered and battered it stands Its unkempt walls lay prostrate In obeisance to the earthly force. Yet once, it was high and mighty Or so we have been told. With strong encircling walls Filled with strong women and men. The cries of infants and the laughters of children Ever resounded in it. Now it lies broken, bleeding, untended. Where are the happy children? The crying infants? The strong men? The diligent women? They have vanished like smoke, All their pride and dignity forgotten. For nothing scatters a house Like bickering and strife Separating blood from blood And root from stem In vanity, avarice, and envy.


There is a house, half in ruins At the other end of the village Battered and ravaged by wind and rain Half the walls lie prostrate As in obeisance to an unseen god. The mud roof has fallen through The thatch roof cries for a layer All the timber is rotten with age And there is no gate or door To cover the nakedness of that house If only there was a father to build! Read:  Village Boy Impressions - Once A Giant Walked the Earth     There is a field down yonder Where thick and tall weeds grow And strangle the infant crop; The millet is yellow and dwarfish,  The corn is stunted and cobless,  And the cowpea run podless,  There is no hope for a harvest All are accounted as forage No blade to the sward is laid For there is no father to till!          There is a boy and his sister in the city Their beauty you must look hard to see Their nostrils run like streams Their nails are long and black Fl...

Serenade to My Love

Long, long ago, before ever I met you  I knew and loved your intoxicating brew  I dreamed you up, my goal, my aspiration  My pain, my ideal, true to my station And then you came as in a vision Not merely a slavish incarnation  But as faithful as the dream I’d dreamed  In fact, more than ever you had seemed  Filled with such great strength of spirit  And as remote from fake or falsity  As from the sham of tinsel constellations  The real star that lights up the nations !  So pure in heart and so sincere are you  I confess, that as I stand before you,  I am conquered by your very human  Impetuous, gentle loveliness and acumen Oh let the dreamer not condemn me  I fell, for both of us, the joy will be  To know that life's compassion is Much greater than our imaginings. This poem was written and dedicated to a mysterious lady  on 22nd January,...