My First Snow

Caught by the snow whilst outside; I was elated 1. Falling, falling, falling all around me Like shredded cotton, the snow falls And soon, the ground is a white foam I am ecstatic as a child in my first snow What shall I do with it now I have it? I scoop it in both hands and sniff it I roll it into a ball and kick it I hug it but it is too cold! And soon my hands are frigid But I can’t let go, it’s my first snow! Soon the whole ground was white 2. I want to roll in it and squeal As the pigs do in the mud at home I want to take it home and say, “Look Mma, water from the heavens; Here, the clouds do not rain; They fall down to the ground!” But then how shall I carry it? No, I will describe it to her But what shall I say to describe it? Mma has no word for this alien miracle. No, I will just fill my own curiosity That is enough for Mma. A snowman was bui...