
Showing posts with the label Death


Photo by  Kid Circus  on  Unsplash RESOLVED, I must up and act Rave against this inaction Why must I rust in waiting? An eternity of rest is coming. How can I be idle?   Strive for what is mine I must For none shall render it to me But I with my calloused hands Grab it in my stride to keep Ever the rapid hours go by Without a pause And with them I must grind Till I’m spent and ragged I cannot quite down, but Like the wind and the tide I too must roar and pound   Asleep, awake, by day or  night   Time speeds by on light wing The tide of destiny swings as ever And around the idle it bends  For with hands is it ever carved How then can I be idle?   It matters not that I fail at it I am but spent upon a worthy cause Not rusted with a vile repose Waiting for naught but the grave Where worms shall feast upon  Flesh and bone long preserved And all chance for action is beyond Recall...

The Grim Reaper

Image In the sweet morning air bright, A little lizard sat upon the wall Across from my window.  Dead-like still and snug she was. All flat, and dark greyish concealed. I could not have noticed her  But for the repeated darts  Shot at the passing ants.  Then crept up, a scowly cat noiseless   And the fiery dragon was carried off  To be the dinner  of a skulking hunter.  The predator had become the prey  The devourer became the devoured  The watcher indeed knows not  that he's watched.  We are the victims of our own plots, The carvers of our own destinies; Whilst we prey on others,  We are preyed upon. Whilst we close in on others, We are enclosed upon. Whilst we focus on others, Life-changing ideas go unprocessed. And by us many opportunities pass Unnoticed, untaken, untested. And before we know it, The curtains are closing upon us; The dark ang...


Sunset on the High Plains of the  Mojave Desert  (courtesy: Wikipedia) When the body easily frails And breath suddenly shortens, When the joints can no longer hold Then you know that sunset dawns. Have You Read:  To the Lily ? When those silky strands refuse to Sprout, leaving a fine circumference Of parched land on the head. Then you know that sunset dawns.   When nature takes his stencil and Without mercy designs those familiar lines Leaving streaks of lightening on the face, Then you know that sunset dawns.   Read Here:  The Wailing Bride When the mamba well placed in The very centre of the garden Can no longer rear its head to eat An apple, then you’re sure that sunset dawns.   When those once bulgy glands That brought joy to daddy and baby Now stress, shrivel and sag Then there’s no doubt that sunset dawns.   Village Boy Impressions - When the Sun Shines in Bergen The morning seemed unending. ...

Father's Epitaph

Beneath this round earthen vessel, On this little knoll of the old ruins, Beside this far green vale,  Lies a noble son of the soil: Agandin (King George), begotten of Adaayoma, The son of Adisimi, the son of Abooyie, The son of Anyinduima. Of the house of Alam in Atuga’s line. Girded in life with truth, wisdom and love, And in manners as in everything else Was he both pleasant and severe. As quick to praise as to chide Neither esteeming the mighty Nor treading the lowly. To his neighbours far and near, friendly But to the unscrupulous, a mighty rod of justice. In love, right, and peace, his time was spent. His labour done, silently he departed  Most lamented, the few rejoiced,  But in eternal bliss now rests he Where evil doeth fear to tread He was not old except in years! 21st July 2019 (10th anniversary of his transition into glory)  Accra. Read My Tribute to Him Here:  Once A Giant Walked The Earth

When all the love is gone

Behold the light fades and rises not And the cute little stars hide in shame The moon fears to show her face And day and night become as one Here the heavens are shut up tight And the earth cries out in thirsting All that is lusty and green withers Have you read:  Village Boy Impressions - Loved at a Glance? The streams return to the mountains And the oceans pour out their eternal rage The darkness return from the abyss And the mountains explode in anger Burning all that was once green and fair Vipers come out in the day to hunt And the crows hold a banquet at noon Alas! the nations bare their teeth And the rulers rage in drunkenness Oh how kith devour kin And mothers drown their infants To entertain their nightly guests. All roads lead nowhere And the gardens turn into graveyards. Have you read:  Village Boy Impressions: Serenade to my love? No, my love, our love cannot die. For when all the love is gone, When we ...

When I die

When I die, Cry not your heart out Nor weep any tears upon my grave I will not see you, cry for me now. When I die, Wear no sorrows or regrets And bear neither grief nor pain on account of me I will be singing Hallelujahs. Read: Village Boy Impressions -  Why Ever Do We Dream When I die, Do not come dressed in fancy clothes Smelling like a thousand lavenders I cannot admire you then, dress for me today. When I die,  Read me no long tributes,  And compose me no epic verses  I will not hear you, praise me today. Read: Village Boy Impressions -  The House in Balansa When I die,  Put me quietly in my grave  Give your money to the poor  And your tears to the oppressed  And leave me in peace and quiet to rest. Read: Village Boy Impressions -  Bird Scaring  

Why Ever Do We Dream?

I heard a man had a dream once It was a bold dream And they shot him down cold Dreams are dangerous things! I also had a dream, once It wasn't a bold dream And I woke up sweating; Dreams are scary things! Why ever do we dream? I ask. Read: Village Boy Impressions -  Fathers Yet how may we sleep If we cannot dream? And how may we live If our dreams be quenched? I say, let us all dream... Let the children dream; And let the elders dream What does it matter If we shoot at God and miss? Dreams are the salt of life Without them, life is tasteless, Worthless, pointless, stale I should be glad of an early grave! Read: Village Boy Impressions -  My First Snow

Once A Giant Walked The Earth

Not for death! Not for death!  But for life among the deathless  In ageless, changeless, greener lands Where no stain nor tear can abide Therefrom your labour, you rest,  Robed in glory.  But on this hallowed spot of Balansa,  Lies your mortal remains;  Agandin, son of Adaayomah,  Loving father and devoted husband.  In that hour set with your maker,  But unbeknownst to us mortal men,  You made your bow in peace and quiet. Read Here:  Village Boy Impressions - Father's Epitaph You were the fountain of life  The light of hope The captain in life’s ocean,  My biggest fan and coach.  Under your watchful, caring gaze I raced with the swift Your words of caution  Lending motion to my little feet. But in my innocence,  I forgot you were my force of gravity.  You ceased whilst I was in mid-race Now I have to lift my own foot And bring it down! Alas for me! The blazing sun did s...