
Showing posts with the label Life


Photo by  Kid Circus  on  Unsplash RESOLVED, I must up and act Rave against this inaction Why must I rust in waiting? An eternity of rest is coming. How can I be idle?   Strive for what is mine I must For none shall render it to me But I with my calloused hands Grab it in my stride to keep Ever the rapid hours go by Without a pause And with them I must grind Till I’m spent and ragged I cannot quite down, but Like the wind and the tide I too must roar and pound   Asleep, awake, by day or  night   Time speeds by on light wing The tide of destiny swings as ever And around the idle it bends  For with hands is it ever carved How then can I be idle?   It matters not that I fail at it I am but spent upon a worthy cause Not rusted with a vile repose Waiting for naught but the grave Where worms shall feast upon  Flesh and bone long preserved And all chance for action is beyond Recall...

The Grim Reaper

Image In the sweet morning air bright, A little lizard sat upon the wall Across from my window.  Dead-like still and snug she was. All flat, and dark greyish concealed. I could not have noticed her  But for the repeated darts  Shot at the passing ants.  Then crept up, a scowly cat noiseless   And the fiery dragon was carried off  To be the dinner  of a skulking hunter.  The predator had become the prey  The devourer became the devoured  The watcher indeed knows not  that he's watched.  We are the victims of our own plots, The carvers of our own destinies; Whilst we prey on others,  We are preyed upon. Whilst we close in on others, We are enclosed upon. Whilst we focus on others, Life-changing ideas go unprocessed. And by us many opportunities pass Unnoticed, untaken, untested. And before we know it, The curtains are closing upon us; The dark ang...

Loved at a Glance

I was struck at an hour unforeseen; And at a place unexpected With love sudden and sweet. My heart danced like many butterflies My legs went stiff and impotent, Shivers coursed through my frame, The blood swelled in my breast, Beating loudly with mighty blows With love I could not articulate. I smiled, and she smiled, Her golden eyes shown brighter, My eyes refused to look away, Light beamed on my face, The birds were muted in every tree, The clocks stopped ticking, My heart has left its nest, To dwell in a fairer bosom, There, in bliss, forever!  14/02/17

I Laugh

  I laugh at the day, however it turns out. And at the night, dark or starry I count as joy! I laugh in the morning sunlight laugh at the fierce noon day sun, the fading light of dusk, The sparkling moonlight, and the twinkling stars at night. I laugh to see the egrets, Flying overhead, destined for I know not where. I laugh at the ants, Who stole bits of my food Into their hidden cove At the foot of my wall. I laugh at the wind, Even the mighty Harmattan,  When it comes desiccating all. I laugh at the trees, The grass, and the shrubs, Even the thorns and thistles. I laugh at the rain; Hailstones,  when they come pelting. And thunderstorms,  when they come, tearing all in their path.   I laugh to see my feet Drenched in the dawn dew And the tender shoots in the fields Trembling in the morning breeze. I laugh to see the maize, the millet And the sorghum in bloom, As the birds, and the bees humming from flower to flower,  fertilizes them. I laugh to see ...

Desiderata - Words for life

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as t...

Lost Gamble

Pain, pain and more pain The loss of a gamble Listen and learn You who would like to gamble You who are ready to explore   I burn, oh I burn! With the flame of regret and pain And yet I cannot stop My feelings in debt It was time to gamble my heart away   Have You Read:  Village Boy Impressions - Beauty's Plight? Why did you not warn me of the cost? Why did you signal me to go on? To not care To borrow from merciless death It was time to gamble my sight away Let none say a word Let none see my despair Let my mask remain fixed An eternal smile of patience and peace A time it was to gamble my voice away   Read Here:  Village Boy Impressions - Serenade to my love Breaking hearts like vases I could have any but picked you Hollow eyes, bleeding tears of blood I was so taken Time it was to gamble my body away   Should I say? Nay. Silence is golden, endurance more so Let it not be said, I wavered at the end ...


Sunset on the High Plains of the  Mojave Desert  (courtesy: Wikipedia) When the body easily frails And breath suddenly shortens, When the joints can no longer hold Then you know that sunset dawns. Have You Read:  To the Lily ? When those silky strands refuse to Sprout, leaving a fine circumference Of parched land on the head. Then you know that sunset dawns.   When nature takes his stencil and Without mercy designs those familiar lines Leaving streaks of lightening on the face, Then you know that sunset dawns.   Read Here:  The Wailing Bride When the mamba well placed in The very centre of the garden Can no longer rear its head to eat An apple, then you’re sure that sunset dawns.   When those once bulgy glands That brought joy to daddy and baby Now stress, shrivel and sag Then there’s no doubt that sunset dawns.   Village Boy Impressions - When the Sun Shines in Bergen The morning seemed unending. ...

When all the love is gone

Behold the light fades and rises not And the cute little stars hide in shame The moon fears to show her face And day and night become as one Here the heavens are shut up tight And the earth cries out in thirsting All that is lusty and green withers Have you read:  Village Boy Impressions - Loved at a Glance? The streams return to the mountains And the oceans pour out their eternal rage The darkness return from the abyss And the mountains explode in anger Burning all that was once green and fair Vipers come out in the day to hunt And the crows hold a banquet at noon Alas! the nations bare their teeth And the rulers rage in drunkenness Oh how kith devour kin And mothers drown their infants To entertain their nightly guests. All roads lead nowhere And the gardens turn into graveyards. Have you read:  Village Boy Impressions: Serenade to my love? No, my love, our love cannot die. For when all the love is gone, When we ...


Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves: They will live long and enjoy life. Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill: They will be saved a lot of anxiety. Blessed are those who do not make excuses: They will sooner achieve their dreams. Happy are you if you can appreciate a smile and forget a frown: You will walk on the sunny side of the street. Happy are you if you can be kind in understanding the attitudes of others: You may be taken for a fool, but this is the price of charity. Happy are you if you know when to hold your tongue and just smile: You have opened your heart to the light of the Gospel. Blessed are they who think before acting and pray before thinking: They will avoid many blunders and much trouble. BUT ABOVE ALL, Blessed are those who recognize the Lord in all whom they meet: The light of truth shines in their lives. THEY, HAVE FOUND TRUE WISDOM!! (Anonymous  Author )

Crying in the Rain

I do my crying in the rain Shrieking with the thunder Howling with the wind So that my tears are washed away My sorrow is laid to rest awhile And peace returns to my heart But when the clouds are spent I wear a smile and walk around No one sees the tears in my eyes No one hears the pain in my voice No one marks the grief on my face No one knows the pain in my heart For I weep with the clouds And my healing is in the rain That washes and dries my tears With a million wet kisses I do my crying in the rain Not because I am strong But because I am alone Many weep on my shoulder I find no shoulder to weep on So I feign strength And wait for cloudy skies To pour out my grief in full He is strong, he is solid He can take it all, they say And know not that I am weak And poor and frail even as they But maybe not for I do not cry No, not open bitter tears as they Yet I too do cry I do my crying in the rain.

Why Ever Do We Dream?

I heard a man had a dream once It was a bold dream And they shot him down cold Dreams are dangerous things! I also had a dream, once It wasn't a bold dream And I woke up sweating; Dreams are scary things! Why ever do we dream? I ask. Read: Village Boy Impressions -  Fathers Yet how may we sleep If we cannot dream? And how may we live If our dreams be quenched? I say, let us all dream... Let the children dream; And let the elders dream What does it matter If we shoot at God and miss? Dreams are the salt of life Without them, life is tasteless, Worthless, pointless, stale I should be glad of an early grave! Read: Village Boy Impressions -  My First Snow


HEALTH: 1.        Drink plenty of water   2.        Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar   3.        Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants   4.        Live with the 3 E’s – Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy   5.        Make time to pray   6.        Play more games   7.        Read more books than you did last year   8.        Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day   9.        Sleep for 7 hours   10.    Take a 10 – 30 minutes’ walk every day. And while you walk, smile.  PERSONALITY: 11.    D...

HOW TO HELP Ghana (AND Yourself)

1.        Don't drive like a lunatic; you’re not the only one in a hurry to go somewhere, and can you please stop tooting the horn? It makes the whole place so noisy! 2.        Learn to buy made in Ghana goods – give the Chinese goods a break!  3.        If you work in the public sector, show up to work on time and whilst there, do real work.  4.        Don't church all week and all year round and hope God will solve your real life problems for you.  5.        Don't look down on everyone who isn’t dressed up in fancy clothes.  6.        If you're a police officer stop asking for and collecting bribes – you’re not the only public servant who’s poorly paid.  7.        If you’re a politician, know that your followers also have heads and hearts ...