My First Snow

Caught by the snow whilst outside; I was elated
Falling, falling, falling all around me 
Like shredded cotton, the snow falls 
And soon, the ground is a white foam
I am ecstatic as a child in my first snow 
What shall I do with it now I have it? 
I scoop it in both hands and sniff it 
I roll it into a ball and kick it 
I hug it but it is too cold! 
And soon my hands are frigid 
But I can’t let go, it’s my first snow!

Soon the whole ground was white

I want to roll in it and squeal
As the pigs do in the mud at home
I want to take it home and say,
“Look Mma, water from the heavens;
Here, the clouds do not rain;
They fall down to the ground!”
But then how shall I carry it?
No, I will describe it to her
But what shall I say to describe it?
Mma has no word for this alien miracle.
No, I will just fill my own curiosity
That is enough for Mma.

A snowman was built the next morning
Now it’s too cold for me
In this rain of cotton shreds
I run into the warm embrace of my room
And watch in awe from my window
As the clouds descend to take refuge on the ground
Though I venture not out for the cold
Yet I must this spectacle gaze in wonder
At home, lips and soles begin to crack 
From the dry and dusty Harmattan;
Here, pregnant clouds breakup 
And fall like cotton balls!
Such are the works of God
And they are marvellous to behold!

This poem was composed on 18th December, 2013 at Fantoft Students' Hostel, Bergen. For another poem about Norway, click here


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