Looking Through the Window

Today I glanced through my window 
Silent and absentmindedly.
All looked dull and familiar
There, the verdurous crowns of many trees
Here, the multi-coloured roofs of many homes
And white idle clouds hanging lazily.
So it was yesterday and the day before
I have seen it all before.
But did I? I queried.
Blinking at the unsettling thought
For I have never really looked
At the sylvan glade outside my window
Though I see it every day.

So then, I stood to stare;
At the deep, verdant green of the trees
All lusty and still in the smokeless air.
And yet, and yet, some are in flower!
A thousand red and yellow blossoms
On three trees just outside my window,
Glittering in the early bright sunlight.
At this profound beauty, I gazed and gazed!
In awe of their contentment and flourish.
A warm glow stole over my heavy heart
And the weight of the coming day
Was made lighter and easier at the sight.


  1. Very interesting! I will observe more carefully probably I get some interesting insights to the world around me and enjoy all that nature has to give.

    1. That is a wise course to take my dear, there's so much beauty and inspiration in nature that is lost to us because we never pause to look!

  2. I'll call this "metaphysical aesthetics", an absolutely brilliant construction of the beautiful. And yet it is philosophical in depth - its exhorts us to critically re-examine our environment (of course including everything) before we take a position on it or make some value judgment etc.

  3. This piece is prompting us not vegetate through life but be conscious of our surroundings (nature). Weldon John and keep it up.


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