Ghana Must Go!

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So you say what? 
Ghana must go? 
Ghana must go 
But where? 

All we know is Ghana must go! 
We went with the Whiteman 
But he dropped us like a sucked orange 
Then we went with the Blackman 
But he used us to wipe his underparts and dropped us in a man-hole 
We went with the men in uniform but they raped our women at the bus stop 
We turned to monarchs but found no sweetness there 
We went to 'bullet' boxes but they sold us for the thighs of university girls
We went to court, but our lawyers filed a 'nolle prosequi' without our consent
We appealed but the judge fell asleep during the trial
Having spent all his night counting monies and collecting goats
In his waking moments, he threw our case out of the window
We run to the police but they met us with stray warning bullets
That left many dead and even more with broken limbs and fractured skulls
The lucky ones went to the hospital to get treated
But were turned away for lack of beds
And you say what? Ghana must go?

Well we didn't give up but went from one big man to the other
But their short-skirted secretaries waved us off
And their security men shoved us out the door
And roared at us: 'Who are you'!?
We couldn't answer for though we knew ourselves,
No one else knows us so in fact, we are nobodies

 Did I hear somebody say there is par-lie-ment?
Who do they represent but their own colours and bank accounts?
Beneath all those lies and debates about where to borrow next, 
Are really boys and girls chasing lizards and playing hide and seek
More worried about their ex gratia than our welfare
But if you say fii you're hurled before them for contempt
And you say what? Ghana must go?

The other day we asked the gossips to tell our story
But they asked us for 'soli' and we didn't have it
So they pushed us aside and rushed to meet the pregnant man
Who breaths like a dragon and whose fart kills flies and mosquitoes
In frustration, we turned upon ourselves and lynched each other

That got the gossips attention, 
The photographers clicking away
And splattered our faces in the papers the next day
With the screaming headline: 
The big man read it and snorted 
Our lawyer glanced at it and chortled;
Suppressing a fresh burst of mirth. 
The grumpy judge dozed off before he’d read the first sentence
The police did not border to investigate
So our MPs asked for bodyguards to add to their macho men
And we were all back to business as usual the next day
And you say what, Ghana must go?

That Friday, we were all in the mosque mouthing our supplications
In spotless white agbadas and with pearly tasbahs
Bowing reverently to the Chief Iman and shaking his venerable hands
And on Sunday, we danced ourselves lame in church
Though the big man and his young wife slept during the sermon
And our lawyer rushed out to answer a pressing call
Whilst the judge went to the restroom. 
The gossips whispered about the mixed tenses of the preacher
But everyone was back during the offering with white handkerchiefs
Dancing and waving them like madmen
And stuffed the collection bowl with new bills
The preacher called them afterward and prayed that the Lord might replenish them
And we groaned in the knowledge of what that meant – we would pay more!
And we left unseen, uncomforted, unfed, unblest

And you say what?


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