Heart to Heart [Bird Talk]

The day was damp and raw   
And I was down in the doldrums
But on the sagging powerlines 
Just outside my window
I found two little birds in intimate talk
As they spruce their feathers away
With cute little beaks that tweet!
They sat right next to each other
With their little feet about the copper wire
Quite immune to the power coursing within
Chatting forever about heaven knows what.
I wished I could understand their hearty talk
So simple, so intimate, so beautiful!
No Facebook walls, no Messengers,
No WhatsApp, no Snapchat and emojis
No Instagram and finger Twitter-ring
No posts, no comments, and no tagging
Just good old plain talk, eyeball to eyeball
With little chance of misunderstanding
And no thoughtless forwarding of garbage
I sighed in envy of them and smiled…
Suddenly the gloomy clouds parted 
And the sun shone brighter than before.
So my day was saved.


  1. True saying, we need more eye to eye talks

  2. Wooow it reminds me of the good old days where eye ball to eye ball honest chats takes place. Social Media has brought a lot of lies, faking and pretence . It can be captioned Heart to Heart.

  3. Good one there! An interesting reminder of the good old days.


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