A Christmas Carol

Oh blessed of days that did break! 
When God appeared in form of man, 
To suffer worldly scorn for love’s sake
How shall we celebrate your breaking?  
He left lofty throne and palace above, 
To wear our very human frailty, 
And bear the pains of abject penury; 
That He may cheer a gloomy world. 

How shall we celebrate Your Name? 
Oh creator God turned creature, 
To bear the affliction of Your creation, 
Rejected, despised and reviled by same; 
And yet turn not from bitter cup to drink 
Nor bid Your just vengeance to rise, 
But looking through Mercy’s eyes, 
Did forgive all with bountiful love. 

Clap for joy all you verdant creation.
Mosses and giant oaks, sway in dance!
He who in brilliant green did cloak you,
In humble form comes to play in your shade,
And your perishable fruit with relish to eat.
Sing out you sullied streams of the land!
Who with crystal clear waters filled you,
Comes now to wash and cleanse you again. 

Rejoice you peoples of the earth!
For He who did form you of clay,
And roused you with His own breath,
Has your own lowly form this day taken,
Humbling Himself even to be born;
That from depravity and death
He may deliver your very souls,
And set your feet on the right path.

Rejoice now you children of the world!
Hail salvation’s happy morn!
For unto you a child is born.
Sing out you that wait for your Lord!
Your watch has not been in vain;
For unto the world a son is given.
The Godhead infant hasten all to adore,
The only begotten son, Awonboniti[1]. 


[1] Name of Emmanuel in the Buli Language


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