Of Sport Betting in Ghana

Stay calm and keep betting 
Weekdays, weekends? 
What are the odds? 
Street soccer in Czechoslovakia, let’s bet 
Jungle football in the Congo, let’s bet 
Frigid futbol in Siberia, let’s bet! 
Kunfu soccer in Shanghai, let’s bet! 
Men’s sports, women’s sports 
Children’s sports, adults’ sports 
Anything sports, let’s bet! 
Youth idleness? No worries!
No jobs? Pas de problème.
Just bet and bet some more 
Behold our doom! 

The storm sweeps through our land
Every block in every city
Every street in every town
Every shed in every village
Betting, betting, betting!
We are ravaged by day
Haunted at night
Beguiled in our leisure and
Interrupted at our duty.
Our flesh is unwilling, but worse
Our very souls are infatuated
Half-eaten by the cancerous worm

Bet this, bet that, bet here, bet there!
Have we not obeyed your command?
What more do you require of us?
Merciless lord! Pitiless master!
Our sons you have arrested
Our brothers you have detained
Driven our husbands into penury
Starved our kids of diet and fees
Now you threaten to lay your long hands
On our budding daughters
Having devoured our flesh and sinews
Must you eat up our bones too?

Arise Ghana, behold your lot!
Wake up from your drunken stupor
The political rhetoric is long heard
As is the hysteria of the media
And the academic discourses
Yet the children eat sour grapes
And there’s no elder to say nay.
Turn from sod-cutting ceremonies
And commissioning of KVIPs
Look to the cancer that devours
Your innards and brains
Arise Ghana, lest we bleed
Into disillusion and oblivion.


  1. Indeed a cancerous worm ! Worse than any pandemic ! Yet we dont even realize the cost to our beloved nation


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