
Of a truth was Caesar’ intuition

To have fat men about him

Such as doth sleep at night.

So would I have loud men any day

That shout and shake and swear

In showing anger or malice

That let out peals of laughter

When happy or tickled

Or cry open bitter tears at need.

Of them you may open and read

And need not fear of poison darts

Or sharp knives deep concealed.

Not so the kind that dwell in quiet,  

That brood in loud long silences

Keeping century-old wrongs dear.

That sit up late nursing their envy

And all that is dark and sinister

Is hoarded in their hungry bosoms.

They creep in the shadows unseen

Like vipers in the undergrowth,

With their lean and hungry look

There is no telling their thoughts

Nor affection nor ill will

Them you must not only fear but run!


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