Letter to January

                                          35th January 2022
His Royal Miserliness,
First Born of the Gregorian Calendar 
Slow Motion Avenue
Three Hundred & Sixty-Five One-Quarter Days.

Dear January, 

Last week, I wrote you a very long disturbing letter in which I chided you for your yearly niggardly attitude and wanton display of sluggish disdain for the dignity of labour and the golden rule not to mete out what you cannot countenance in others. 

It seems nearly everyone has lost something since you came up: students cannot find their school fees, tenants are owing rent, housewives have misplaced the chop-money they were given in December, pubs have lost customers, a couple of drunks have lost their front teeth, the few virgins we have, have broken their vessels of honour and not a few ladies are missing periods. 

As if that was not enough, many married men are in a state of panic! (Now this only happens when both the wife and side chick miss their periods at the same time!) The other day, I heard a grown man groan! Imagine that!

But I know you would just retort that it was all my fault. Is it wrong to make people happy?

On re-reading the letter however, I have tossed it into the waste paper basket in hope that you would repent sooner rather than later. 

In the light of your obduracy, I have resolved to send you this note. 

Hoping this would meet with your kind approval, I remain sincerely,

your loving sister,

Funfair December


  1. I love that. Wonderfully and beautifully written.

  2. Haha 🤣, WOW I didn't want it to end when I was reading it, really interesting.

  3. Well thought and scribbled my brother

  4. Nicely written. Thank you John for sharing

  5. January for you. Stupendous piece


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