The Fires Eat the Land at Home (After Kofi Awoonor)

At home the fires are in the fields

Licking up twigs, herbs and every blade of grass

Leaving a bleak blackness everywhere

The fires eat the land at home


They came one day in the heat of noon while men rested

Racing through the cornfields

And licking through the rice farms,

The sorghum, soya, and late millet

The fires eat the land at home


How sad a thing to hear the wailing of women

And the mournful sighs of grown men,

Calling on the gods to save them

From this monster of their own making


Analim stands in the middle of his field

With his two sons, sweating from the heat

His hands on his head, in despair

Frantic efforts with neem branches and buckets of water

Could not save their burnt crop

The women are weeping mournfully,

If only tears could quench the blazing fires

But alas, the ancestors and the gods are silent 

And the flames of hell have broken out

Eating up the very soil

Sending thick clouds of dark, dark smoke

Into a clear sky 

Whilst an angry sun fumes

Sending down fiery darts of his own

And the flames leap in ecstasy

Cheered on by persistent Harmattan blasts


Alhassan has lost his sorghum to the fire,

Mma Asana has lost her soya to the flames,

All have turned into a pile of ash! 

Lives and livelihoods turned into ash

Far away, a man saunters along a heedless farm track

The tobacco stub he flicked into the bush, flares

Ayaala and a brood of impetuous youth, 

match home in glee,

Recounting their hunting exploits and their kill:

One hare, two squirrels, three snakes, 

A grass cutter, and two rats.

The bushes they set ablaze did serve them well

Yet its remnants are the monster to their neighbours

A reckless craze for ‘bush meat'

And the fires continue to eat up the land at home.

Right in front of a District Assembly!


  1. A Good piece of advise. Bushfires are becoming a headache, and the youth have become blind to the destruction by bushfires, the educated ones are even worse, when it comes to fighting bushfires.

  2. Excellent piece right here, love it.

  3. Wow!! That is an educative piece. Keep it up!

  4. Bush fire 🔥 has become a common practice in the northern part of Ghana, that men have failed to become their brother keeper, we burn bushes which in the long turn burn the farms of men who struggle to feed us. It's really shameless how we do not care about our environment.
    The write up is a beautiful piece.

    1. It is too widespread for my comfort. The landscape is an eyesore all over the Northern, North-East, Upper East, Savannah, Upper West and parts of the Oti regions during the rainless months. How long can we continue like this?

  5. Really awesome piece. keep it up Snr bro.

  6. Hmm, it's sad what bushfire is doing to us. Great piece

  7. Great piece bro…!!!
    The devastations of bushfires is akin to cancer which is thought-provoking and illustrates the severity of the situation. It's clear that addressing this issue will require proactive collaboration and a fundamental change in human-centered geopolitical strategies to vanquish this man-made monster that is hiding in the shadows of culture. The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated.

  8. Great piece well crafted. God bless you

  9. Great piece sir

  10. Great piece my brother đź‘Ź keep it up because it takes time for people to change their behaviors. One day we shall succeed.


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