Hello May

After months of dryness and despair 

Sweet is the sound of rain on the roof

Pools and puddles of water everywhere

Blasts of moist air from the window

Dusty Harmattan is a distant memory 

Dark clouds dance across the sky

Lulling the sun with globules of water

It is May,

The dew falls

The land heals

Life returns 

The grass grows again

Love is in the air

And birds sing the creator's praise

If there indeed be life in the hereafter

And we be damned enough to return after

Sweet God, let me be born again in May!


  1. Sualisu Abdul -Razak8:41 am, May 04, 2023

    amazing wiring of words just like the brain, I feel like you took this pics from my head, splendid work.

  2. Absolutely amazing 👏

  3. I haven't been home in the month of May since leaving Ghana in 1984. But Agandin makes me relive vividly some of the sweet memories of my yesteryears. The beginning of the rainy season in North Ghana has a special flair, its own charm and attraction. And Agandin captures this beautifully in words. THANKS!

  4. Rainy days always comes with joy. Well done Bro for putting this together.

  5. You are biased towards May. April rather brings life...😂 😂 😂


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