The Math Teacher

With light nervous steps, he trod in 
As one aroused from an upshot of gin 
And stood abashed, a shadow ill-prepared, 
His sealed quivering lips unassured 
Whether it be fractions or tractions 
Change of subject or meaningless expressions 
Pondering where and how to begin 
Whilst they continued their din 
Not heeding the unsettled guest 
Framed in the doorway aghast 
Clutching a heavy textbook 
With a finger locked in the nook. 

A well-pressed shirt that daintily sat 
And shoes black as night pat 
Were all they could admire of him. 
For he could neither add nor multiply 
Save by that book he held to comply. 
And he stammered badly enough 
To send them reeling to the north. 
He was thrust upon them without a session 
And they could instruct him with fair revision. 
But he messed up his very first lesson 
('He's killing us' she said) 
So they bundled whatever standing he had 
And sent it through the window hard 
Slapping their hands together as if to say 
Teaching Maths is not a child’s play! 

This poem is a humorous rendition of the complaints of a Junior High School pupil about her maths teacher. 


  1. Lol. Luckily I encountered good math skills teachers but surely mathematics is not a child's play to be handled by an ill prepared teacher. Thumbs up John.

    1. Sure Obaekobi, there's nothing like a good math teacher but a bad math teacher is the worst kind of nightmare and nearly always kills all interest in the subject. The poor attitude towards maths as a 'hard subject' can surely be traced towards bad math teachers.

  2. This piece reminds me of a math teacher I encountered sometime ago. Well done John. My rips were in trouble after reading it.


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