Halting Words for Nab Azantilow Ayieta IV

Photo Credit: Franz Kröger All over the land of Buluk, over hills and fields Where long grass grows and stout trees thrive The trade wind comes racing, swelling about the trees What news from the north, Oh hurrying wind? What tidings do you bear in your dusty breeze? Have you seen Azantilow the tall and mighty By sun, moon or by starlight bright? Where now is he, the bold, the ancient, the brave? Maybe you have heard the horn of the son of Ayieta. Echoing in the hills and vales of the land Upon azagsuk , long I stood and listened Under the shade of acham I tarried in vain Tell me not that he is no more! But alas, his horn is silent, and his feet are cold The north wind is still, impotent with tears Read: Village Boy Impressions - The Song of Atug...