Collecting termites

1. I beheld a jolly chap in the parkland; In the warm sunny morning air. With an old hat over his head, An old bucket at his side, An axe over his shoulder, And whistling a faintly familiar tune; He wandered about to and fro Collecting the dried cow dung. I smiled in recognition and remembrance As my heart rolled back the years To when I went collecting termites. I also had an old bucket and a hoe But alas! no hat of my own As I marched into the scrubland, With great eagerness or reluctance Humming happy or melancholy tunes, As my mood might happen to be. A man returning to his house with a bucket of termites 2. After the early rains, I go in search For crusts of clay on the ground That shows where the woodworm lurks. There, I plant a pot of broken-up dung That ...