Dust in August

When I was younger, 
I was warned August comes with rain 
Persistent pitter-pattering drops 
Described I know not why as cats and dogs  

When I was younger, 
I saw rain in August 
The vale shining like tin roofing sheets in the sun 
And Abelikpien singing a mouth-full chorus 

When I was younger, 
I danced in the pattering rain with naked feet 
Heedless of Mama's caution 
Only dreading Daddy's whip 

Village Boy Impressions - The Seasons at Home 

When I was younger, 
I loved to lie awake during the August downpour
To hear the vibrating rhythm of the rain
On the tin roof over my head

When I was younger, 
I saw the walls come tumbling in August
Walked dank and dicey paths
And plunged into the brim-full stream

Village Boy Impressions - The Mighty Abelikpien

Now I am older,
There is no rain, no tumbling walls
No singing streams, no flooded vales
Only scorching sun and withering crops
What can have happened to August?


August 13, 2020


  1. Love this poem. Gave me memories from when I was younger. As I read I asked myself, what could have happened since there was no more rain like it used to be. The last stanza shared my thought!!

    1. Thanks for reading my dear Selina. The same questions led me to compose this poem. So much is changing, not only the climate.


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