Buli Series 9 - Common Words S & T

Hello folks, it's been over a month since our last lesson in the Buli Series. I hope everyone is alive, well, and safe in the present circumstances. Today I bring you common words in the alphabets 'S' and 'T'.  I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions on the lesson. In case you're just joining us on the Buli Language Series, please find the links to the previous lessons below.

Mmabisaa, m'a puusi ni miena. Ku gaam chiik kama te ti zamsi Buli ligra wei la. Di linna tin ngman tu chaaboa. M'a poli ayen ni miena a deem voa, ali ta nyinyogsa ale agani ni dek ale ni dokdem miena a taa nyini tuo kperikaliik kai ale din jam kperi saaloa miena la po. Naawen ale mari ate ti bag chali bo along ate wabiok kan paari ti wai ya. Jinla de maa yaali ayen ti zamsi ka Buli biika po wie ngai te ti a wi yaasi taa ngmarisi ale 'S' ale 'T' daani nga la. 

Fi a wai adan deem piilim jam Buli Karungku kama, karung tii ale taam la vuutinga ale nna ate npa a dueni. 

Pillimka karungku(Introduction) abo dela 

Karung kui ale sai buye wa la (A-D) bo dela 

Kui ale sai buta wa la (E-H) bo dewa 

Kui ale sai bunaansi wa la (J-L) bo dela 

Kui me alaa sai bunu wa la (M - Ngm) bo dela 

Kui ale sai buyuebi wa la (Ny - P) bo dewa 

Kui me ale sai buyopoi wa la (Numerals) bo dela 

Kui ale sai naaning ka la (Buli Ligra/Money) abo dewa

Ni yaa bi te ti piilim ale 'S' daani.

'S' Daani

Daani de ta ka gingelung tagri ka Sa, Se, Si, So, Su.


sa (to smear, to rub into), saab (T.Z. [from Hausa tuon zaafi], thick millet porridge, millet gruel), sabaabo (oh!, alas!), sabi (leather amulet, talisman), sabi (hoof or foot (of horse, cow, pig, sheep), sabilo (servant, angel), saboak (large, fat and/or tall person or animal, giant), saafiik (key), saafi-koluk (padlock), sag-duok [also goai-deri] (wild pig, wild boar, Wart Hog), sagi (bush, bushland, forest, woodland, savannah), sagi (foreign land), sag[i] (to teach, to instruct, to train), sagroa (teacher, instructor), sain/saani/saama (porcupine), sakori (fufu), sakpagni (witchcraft), sakpak (witch, wizard), sali (to lean against), saalim/saaluk (sliminess, slipperiness, smoothness), saalim (to ask, to implore, to beseech, to entreat, to beg for forgiveness), saliuk (morning), Saaloa (human being, mankind, humanity), sam (to urinate, to pass urine, to piss, to eject semen, to ejaculate (during sex), saam (to mix, to blend), sampok (daughter in-law), sampoporik (witch doctor, prophet, sorcerer), sankpain/sankpana (scabies, rashes), san-yigmoa (intermediary, or mediator in marriage), sari (young female), sarika (jail, prison), sateng (foreign land, country, town; any place other than one’s own locality), sati (to slip, to slither, to skid, to stumble), sauk (dibble, dibber, (used for making holes for planting seeds).



se (to build, to construct), se (to roast on open fire, to grill, to bake), seb [sebi/seba] (to know, to recognize, to believe, to be aware), sebik (hartebeest/African antelope), sebla (knowledge, intelligence, [also: too known), segi (hiccup/ hiccough), segi (guardian spirit), segri (to dedicate a child [naming ceremony]), seni (to praise, to flatter, to sing the praise of a person), seeroa/sieroa (witness).


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si (to fill up or to fill in a hole/grave), siag[i]/(to agree, to consent, to affirm [also: to obey, to respond, to allow), siag[i] (to sing), siak (tease, mockery, ridicule [baa nye ka siak a la), siaka (belief, faith, creed), sie (bees), sie (broom), siera (evidence, proof), sieroa/seeroa (witness), sieroa (mason, builder), sie-wuruk (beehive), sigiri (sugar), siki/sikikiki (quiet, calm, silent, still [siki/digki le bag saaloa]), siini (to stack, to pile up), silim (to be short of, to be in short supply, to lack, to miss, to want, to long for) silim[ka] (scarcity, deficiency, want, lack, shortage), silim-nyieng (poor, destitute, impoverished, penniless, deprived), sim (liquid resin, latex, rubber), simiiti (cement), sina (to keep or be quiet, mute, silent, not to answer /speak), siini (to court or woo a woman or to help sb. to court a woman), sinsagi/sinsaga (teachings/instruction/commandment/advice), sinsam-buli (blood in urine, bilharzia, schistosoma), sinsam-luuik (bladder), sin-yaali/sin-yaala/sin-yaara (wickerwork rattle [played in pairs]), singti (to sigh), siparima (honeycomb, honey wax), siri (to be ready or prepared, to get oneself ready), siiri (to split, to cleave), sisagta (influenza, cold, catarrh, coryza), siita (honey), sitaana (evil, wickedness, scoundrel, rascal, villain, rogue, devil), siti (to provoke, to incite, to rouse).



so (to bathe, to have a bath, to shower), soa (to own, to possess, to claim ownership [also: to be in charge of, to be responsible for), soari (rat), soata (brothers, brotherhood, brotherly relationship), sobi/sobri (to get dark, to blacken, to dye black), soblik (black person, African, Negro), soluk (filter), somoa (friend, neighbour, comrade), song ([epileptic] fit, trance), soaroa/sooroa (owner, possessor, master, lord), soruk/sota (beads/pearls).


Common Sense is Dead!


su (to put in/through, to wear, to put on [a dress], to decant), suom (hare, [wrongly called rabbit]), suengkparuk (mongoose), sugi (to hide, to conceal, to screen), sugri (to wash, to rinse), sui (mood, temper, temperament, disposition), su-kaasung (sorrow, sadness, grief, anguish), sukiri (heart, endurance, stamina), suik (path, footpath, road), suuik (umbilical cord), sukuu (school), sumi/suma (Bambara beans/Bambara groundnut), sunum/suniima (heart, chest), sunsuelini/sunsuelima (story, narrative, tale, fable), sungkpaam (groundnut, peanut), sungsung (centre, middle, (also: town centre, city centre), suok (brother, cousin), su-pientik (happiness, joy, contentment), su-puurum (anger, annoyance), su-yogsik/su-yogni (peace, peace of mind).


Village Boy Impressions - Hustler in Accra

'T' Daani

Daani de me, a ta ka Ta, Te, Ti, To, Tu.


ta (to have, to contain, to hold, to possess), ta (to grope, to grope one’s way, to fumble), tabi (to trample on, to step on, to stamp on, to pedal (bicycle), tabri (to handle with care or hold gently and protectively, to cradle), tachek/taduk (walking stick), tacheng (tobacco pipe/smoking pipe), tagaaruk (pied crow), tagi (to rub, to squeeze, to massage), tagli (to flood, to overflow, to inundate), tagri (to change, to alter, to exchange, to replace), tain/tintain (stone, pebble), takabi (sherd, potsherd, piece (fragment) of a broken clay vessel), takparuk (window), Talaata (Tuesday), talim (farm, field, plantation), tam (time, watch), tama (we, us), tampoi (rubbish heap, rubbish mound, refuse heap/ dump), tambusung (sand, silt), tandung (pestle), tang/tagim (to spoil, to corrupt), tangkomi (groin), tanggbain (earth-shrine; spirit of the earth-shrine), tangjing[i] (masquerade), tapagi (board, flat piece of wood), tapayiak (cheek), taari (to smear, to plaster, to apply rough-cast, to paint (a wall).



te (to give, to present, to grant), tebi (to heal, to treat (by giving medicine), tebroa (healer, doctor), teglik (small, little), tegli[m](handle with care, light use), teng (earth, piece of land, plot, place, ground, floor), teng (place, community/village, country, continent), teng-nyono (owner, earth-priest).



ti (we, us, our), tia (welcome!), tiak (mat), tiib (tree), tidek (ourselves), tieng (beard), tienti (to straighten, to lengthen, to align), tieri (to remember, to recollect, to recall), tigi (durbar, congregation, festival, celebration), tigsi (to congregate, to gather, to come together, to assemble), tiili (step ladder, stair case), tiim (medicine, drug, chemical, juju), tiim-dok (hospital, clinic, health facility (also asibiti), ti-nang (roots of a tree used for medicine, herbs), tintain (stone, pebble), tintueta (saliva, spittle), tiri (to touch, to feel (with hand), tiirim (gift, present, gratis, donation).

When all the love is gone 


toa (one’s sister or brother), toa (hand over! bring! give! (word of command), toaling (Tallensi ethnic group), toaring (to blame, to rebuke, to scold, to reprove, to reproach), toati (to light (a lamp, fire, pipe etc.), to glow, to flare up), to-biik (germ, virus, disease causing organism), toga, (to be or look different), toga-toga (different, differences, various, separate, variance), tog[i] (to tell, to narrate), togri (to cut the throat, to slaughter), toling (to heat (up), to warm (up), to make sth. hot or warm), tolotolo (turkey), tom (bow), tom (followers, retinue, company, group, army), tom (to work, to toil, to labour), tomroa or tomdoa (worker, labourer, workman), tomse (to imitate, to copy, to act in disguise), tong (to shoot with a bow or catapult), tosi (to discontinue, to interrupt, to stop).



tu (to dig), tu (to meet, to encounter, to assemble, to run into someone), tuak (bitter, unpleasant in taste or feeling), tuem/tuom (disease, sickness, illness), tueruk (mole, musk shrew), tuesi (to receive, to accept smth., to collect smth. from another person), tugurik (war, battle, competition), tuik (baobab tree), tuuik (baobab fruit), tuilim/tuila/tuilik (heat, hot, warm), tuini/tuima (work, task, job, occupation, duty, profession, assignment), tuing (confused, absent-minded, muddled, distracted), tuiita (cowpea leaves, baobab fruits), tuk (bird nest), tu-koruk (baobab leaves), tu-kpara (deafness (also: stubbornness, troublesomeness, rudeness), tulim (to turn, to reverse), tulimbaziisa (reversed, inverted, upside down, inside out), tulisi (to answer, to reply, to give an answer), tuntuem/tintuem (ashes), tuok (door, entrance, gate), turi (ear), tusiri/tusidi (thousand), tutuna (payment, wages, salary).

COVID-19 tuomu! COVID-19 tuomu!


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