
My Sugar Runs Out

Only this morning,  As the smiling sun  Emerged from behind the horizon,  Grinning as the bearer of glad tidings,  And all ready to run his race,  I awoke and stretched and yawned. As the light of this joyous sun  Gave life and healing to all creatures  And me,  I stood and with one more stretch,  Stepped to my locker  To prepare for the coming day. Grabbing my toothbrush, I rummaged for my paste. Then paused as I saw it in the corner. All empty, twisted and mangled  In a million angles and curves, it  lay,  But nay one more squeeze I must Before it is done with. That I did give it with much effort too! After a hurried scrubbing of the gums, I emerged ready to breakfast. But only one bag of the beloved Lipton, Lay alone and solitary in the packet. That I placed in my mug. The milk too was only a spoonful. But the sugar, yes the sugar, Alas! the sugar ran out! I did shook ...