When all the love is gone

Behold the light fades and rises not And the cute little stars hide in shame The moon fears to show her face And day and night become as one Here the heavens are shut up tight And the earth cries out in thirsting All that is lusty and green withers Have you read: Village Boy Impressions - Loved at a Glance? The streams return to the mountains And the oceans pour out their eternal rage The darkness return from the abyss And the mountains explode in anger Burning all that was once green and fair Vipers come out in the day to hunt And the crows hold a banquet at noon Alas! the nations bare their teeth And the rulers rage in drunkenness Oh how kith devour kin And mothers drown their infants To entertain their nightly guests. All roads lead nowhere And the gardens turn into graveyards. Have you read: Village Boy Impressions: Serenade to my love? No, my love, our love cannot die. For when all the love is gone, When we ...